Do you think that social responsibility is better taught:

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009

Where do i start?

I will start by identifying the questions i have (because I have many):

1) How much time is realistic to dedicate towards teaching students about web2.0 tools? It seems we have precious little time to dedicate to the subject as it is.
2) How can I ensure that the added component of learning a new internet tool doesn't complicate or add too much difficulty to the assignment?
3) How do i determine who is a reliable corporate social responsibility blogger? There are so many unknown individuals out there writing that have no one commenting on their blogs. Myself included!
4) How much can we actually rely on the internet to deliver our courses? This semester I have had so many students give me seemingly valid excuses (about computers freezing and electricity blackouts) for not completing assignments on time.
5) How can I reduce the time i spend on the course as an online teacher? It seems that students send you an email about every little thing and it takes a lot of time to answer.
6) How do I ensure that students actually read and digest information and not just copy and paste?
7) Where do i find lesson plan ideas for social responsibility?

I plan to answer these questions, as well as any new ones that come up along the way, in this blog. Some of the answers are obvious, others require some research. Now I am ready to blog!

3 comentarios:

  1. It seems it is very difficult to control the time we spend in an online course. Once we get involved in the topic, we feel like reading and sharing our thought. At least that is what happens to me.

  2. You have really interesting concerns, that I happen to share. Especially on how to teach our Ss to be autonomous learners and rely that they have not just copied and pasted information from the net. Maybe we could use blogs so that they can give their opinions and show they have actually grasped the meaning of whatever is that they are working on. As we move ahead in this course, I am sure we will be exposed to more valuable tools to enhance our Ss actal learning.

  3. I agree with you are Kira that I also share those concerns. And I'm sure we will do our best to design our courses, but when we start teaching we will find put what worked and not in order to correct and improve.


Thank you for your comments! Please keep them concrete, concise and on topic.